Octoball Clash 2022

SIgn up below

$10 (Includes Breakfast, Octoball Shirt & Lunch!)
What is Octoball?
Octoball may be more familiar to you by another name: Gaga Ball. The game is played in an enclosed, octagon-shaped playing surface. Individuals (or teams) will be placed inside the octagon and given a rubber kickball. The gameplay rules are similar to dodgeball in that if you are touched with the ball below the waste, you are out. You may not catch or throw the ball. But you may deflect and hit the ball with your hands/arms. The last one standing is the winner.
How will we play?
We will divide up participants into multiple teams. We will play numerous games (all girls, all boys, middle school, high school, all students, etc.). The team with the highest cumulative score at the end will be declared the OCTOBALL CHAMPIONS!
How to sign up?
Fill out the form below! You can make payment through the dropbox in the youth room, through the offering or online here. 



Online Payment Option

Please follow these steps:
1) FUND = Designated
2) SUB-FUND = Youth
3) PAYMENT = $10 (One-Time)
4) Select "Next"
5) This will take you to a secure website. Select "continue as guest."
6) Fill out the appropriate information. Under "Memo (optional)" = Type student name(s) that you are paying for.